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_alpine glaciers什么意思

tamoadmin 2024-09-06





5.加拿大旅游景点的英语介绍 加拿大的景点有哪些用英语表示


_alpine glaciers什么意思

saturate:vt. 渗透

meteoric:adj. 流星的,大气的

soak into:浸泡,浸透

precipitation:n. (化学)沉淀

emerge:vi. 浮现

incredible:adj. 难以置信的

unconsolidated:adj. 疏松的 ? consolidate:v. 巩固

grel:n. 碎石

coarse:adj. 粗俗的

sediment:n. 沉淀物

sheet:n. 薄片 ice sheets:冰层

pebble:n. 卵石

lade:vt. 装载,装(船);vi. (用勺子)舀出,装货 ? be laden with:负载着

glacial:adj. 冰的

outwash:n. 冰水沉积

deposit:vt. 放置

fanwise:adv. 呈扇叶展开地;adj. 呈扇叶展开的

slope:n. 斜坡

overlie:vt. 覆在……上面

pore:n. 孔

porous:adj. 多孔渗水的

porosity:n. 多孔性

permeability:n. 浸透性

grain:n. 颗粒,谷物

plug:v. 塞,插 be plugged with

cement:vt. 巩固 cementing:黏固的

percolate:vi. 过滤?

crystalline:adj. 透明的

basalt:n. 玄武岩

solidified:adj. 固化的,凝固的

volcanic:adj. 火山的

la:n. 熔岩

city:n. 腔

crevice:n. 裂缝

cling:v. 黏紧 cling to:依附

1.Ordinary? meteoric ?water is water that has? soaked ?into the ground from the surface, from? precipitation ?(rain and snow) and from lakes and streams.

2.The commonest spaces are those among the particles—sand grains and tiny pebbles—of loose,? unconsolidated ?sand and? grel .

3.They are found wherever fast rivers carrying loads of? coarse ? sediment ?once flowed.

4.For example, as the great ice? sheets ?that covered North America during the last ice age steadily melted away, huge volumes of water flowed from them.

5.The same thing hens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment- laden ?river or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto?relatively?flat land, dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out? fanwise , depositing the? sediment ?in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped? slope .?

6.Sediments are also dropped where a river slows on entering a lake or the sea, the? deposited ?sediments are on a lake floor or the seafloor at first, but will be located inland at some future date, when the sea level falls or the land rises; such beds are sometimes thousands of meters thick.

7.In? lowland ?country almost any spot on the ground may? overlie ?what was once the bed of a river that has since become buried by soil; if they are now below the water’s? upper ?surface (the water table), the grels and sands of the former riverbed, and its sandbars, will be saturated with?groundwater.

8.This is because the gaps among the original? grains ?are often not totally? plugged ?with? cementing ?chemicals; also, parts of the original? grains ?may become dissolved by? percolating ?groundwater, either while consolidation is taking place or at any time afterwards.?

9.But note that? porosity ?is not the same as? permeability , which measures the ease with which water can flow through a material; this depends on the sizes of the individual? cities ?and the? crevices ?linking them.

10.It is held there by the force of surface tension without which water would?drain?instantly from any wet surface, leing it totally dry.?The total volume of water in the saturated sample must therefore be thought of as consisting of water that can, and water that cannot,?drain?away.?

4.According to paragraph 2, where is groundwater usually found?

A. Inside pieces of sand and grel

B. On top of beds of rock

C. In fast rivers that are flowing beneath the soil

D. In spaces between pieces of sediment


The necessary space is there, however, in many forms.? The commonest spaces are those among the particles—sand grains and tiny? pebbles —of loose,? unconsolidated ?sand and? grel .? Beds of this material, out of sight beneath the soil, are common.?They are found wherever fast rivers carrying loads of? coarse ? sediment ?once flowed.?For example, as the great ice? sheets ?that covered North America during the last ice age steadily melted away, huge volumes of water flowed from them.?The water was always? laden ?with? pebbles ,? grel , and sand, known as? glacial ? outwash , that was? deposited ?as the flow slowed down.


答案应该是在这些砂砾碎石的碎片 之间 :




13.Look at the four squares?[■]?that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?

What, then, determines what proportion of the water stays and what proportion drains away?.


Much of the water in a sample of water-saturated? sediment or rock will?drain?from it if the sample is put in a suitable dry place.?[■]But some will remain,? clinging ?to all solid surfaces. [■] It is held there by the force of surface tension without which water would?drain?instantly from any wet surface, leing it totally dry.?[■]The total volume of water in the saturated sample must therefore be thought of as consisting of water that can, and water that cannot,?drainaway.?[■]


"待插入句说多少流走多少剩下是什么决定的,所以之前必须得说一部分流走了一部分剩下了,原文最后一句才说到这个,所以D是答案。貌似B选项之前也说了流走和剩下,但B之后有个it is held there,这个it指的是前文的留下来的水,所以与上文过渡紧密,不能插入句子。"

14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Much of the ground is actually saturated with water.

A.Sediments that hold water were spread by glaciers and are still spread by rivers and streams.

B.Water is stored underground in beds of loose sand and grel or in cemented sediment.

C.The size of a saturated rock’s pores determines how much water it will retain when the rock is put in a dry place.

D.Groundwater often remains underground for a long time before it emerges again.

E.Like sandstone, basalt is a crystalline rock that is very porous.

F.Beds of unconsolidated sediments are typically located at inland sites that were once underwater.

speculation:n. 思索

primarily:adv. 主要地,首要地

anthropologist:n. 人类学家

envision:vt. 设想,想象 envision ... as:将……看做

ritual:adj. 仪式上的

rite:n. 仪式

perceive:vt. 察觉 → 将……理解为

well-being:n. 幸福

attribute:v. 归属,归于;n. 属性 attribute ... to:将……归属给

desirable:adj. 令人满意的 undesirable:adj. 不令人满意的,不受欢迎的

occurrence:n. 发生

refine:vt. 精炼

formalize:vt. 使形式化,使正式

representative:n. 代表

mythical:adj. 神话的

sophisticated:adj. 复杂的,老于世故的

causal:adj. 有因果关系的,有原因的

conception:n. 怀孕,受孕;构思,构想;概念,观念;想法

condition:n. 条件

prosperity:n. 繁荣

feat:n. 功绩

elaborate:v. 详尽阐述

narrator:n. 讲述者

pantomime:n. 手势,哑剧

pantomimic:adj. 哑剧的

rhythmical:adj. 节奏的

gymnastic:adj. 体操的

impersonation:n. 扮演

evolve:v. 进化 evolve out of:从……进化而来

virtuocity:n. 美术兴趣,审美能力,鉴赏能力

antecedent:n. 经历,祖先;adj. 在先的

theorize:v. 使理论化

cease:v. 停止,停息


encounter:v. 遭遇

objectify:vt. 使具体化,使客观化,体现

whereby:adv. 凭借

penchant:n. 嗜好,倾向

autonomous:adj. 自治的,独立自主的

detachment:n. 分离

deviation:n. 偏离,背离

norm:n. 标准

retain:vt. 保留,保持

1.In seeking to describe the origins of theater, one must rely? primarily ?on? speculation , since there is little concrete evidence on which to draw.

2.During the early stages of its development, a society becomes aware of forces that ear to influence or control its food supply and? well-being .

3.Hing little understanding of natural causes, it? attributes ?both? desirable ?and? undesirable ? occurrences ?to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the for of these forces.

4.Perceiving an arent connection between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires, the group repeats,? refines ?and? formalizes ?those actions into fixed ceremonies, or rituals.

5.Frequently the myths include? representatives ?of those supernatural forces that the? rites ?celebrate or hope to influence.?

6.Thus, the recalling of an event (a hunt, battle, or other? feat ) is? elaborated ?through the narrator’s? pantomime ?and? impersonation ?and?eventuallythrough each role being? assumed ?by a different person.

7.One necessary? condition seems to be a somewhat detached view of human problems.?For example, one sign of this? condition ?is the earance of the comic vision, since comedy requires sufficient? detachment to view some? deviations ?from social? norms ?as ridiculous rather than as serious threats to the welfare of the entire group.?

8.Another? condition ?that contributes to the development of? autonomous ?theater is the?emergence?of the?aestheticsense.?For example, some early societies? ceased ?to consider certain rites essential to their? well-being ?and abandoned them, nevertheless, they? retained ?as parts of their oral tradition the myths that had grown up around the rites and admired them for their artistic qualities rather than for their religious usefulness.

3.According to paragraph 1, theories of the origins of theater

A. are mainly hypothetical

B. are well supported by factual evidence

C. he rarely been agreed upon by anthropologists

D. were expressed in the early stages of theater’s development


以origins of theater为关键词定位至本段第一句,one must rely primarily on speculation,主要靠推测,也就是A,主要是推论的。不认识hypothetical的话之后有解释说没有事实证据,所以也能说明是推论的. B 与原文反了。 C 与原文有出入。原文说:The most widely accepted theory, championed by anthropologists 说至少有一个理论得到人类学家广泛认同。 D 原文没有提到。

4.According to paragraph 1, why did some societies develop and repeat ceremonial actions?

A. To establish a positive connection between the members of the society

B. To help society members better understand the forces controlling their food supply

C. To distinguish their beliefs from those of other societies

D. To increase the society’s prosperity


"ceremonial action做关键词定位至全段最后一句:说人们是感觉到了他们的仪式性的活动和他们所期望的那种结果之间的联系之后他们才做这些事情的。前一句说:他们把无论好坏的结果都归因于超自然的力量,他们做这些事情是为了赢得超自然力量的眷顾,所以D为了整个社会的繁荣是正确答案。

7.According to paragraph 2, what may cause societies to abandon certain rites?

A. Emphasizing theater as entertainment

B. Developing a new understanding of why events occur

C. Finding a more sophisticated way of representing mythical characters

D. Moving from a primarily oral tradition to a more written tradition


以abandon rites做关键词定位至全段倒数第三句,有个as a result,说明之前的句子是导致人们放弃这种仪式的原因,也正是问题的答案。随着人们越来越智慧,他们对超自然的能力的认识,还有超自然能力和他们所期待的结果之间的因果关系会变化,也就是很多人不再认为是超自然的能力在左右他们,所以B有了新的认识是正确答案。 A entertainment概念在本段最后才提到。 C sophisticated 概念在前句提到,原文As a person becomes more sophisticated,是说人变得复杂了,而不是复杂的代表神秘角色的方式。 D 原文完全没有提到。



tundra:n. 苔原

shrub:n. 灌木

herb:n. 香草

timberline:n. 树带界线 ?upper/lower timberline 上/下行树带界线

steppe:n. 西伯利亚一带没有树木的大草原

tropics:n. 热带地区

deciduous:adj. 每年落叶的

broadleaf:n. 阔叶树

birch:n. 桦木

twisted:adj. 扭曲的,变态的

deformed:adj. 畸形的 deform:v. 变形

latitude:n. 纬度

ridge:n. 山脊

whereas:conj. 然而

duration:n. 持续时间

prone:adj. 有……倾向

frost:n. 严寒

cessation:n. 停止,中止,中断

smother:vt. 使窒息

alanche:n. 雪崩

creep:n. 爬行 snow creep:雪移

seedling:n. 秧苗

elevation:n. 提拔

graze:vt. 放牧,擦伤

ibex:n. 野生山羊,阿尔卑斯山上的野山羊

alpine:adj. 高山的 alpine tundra:高山苔原

adjacent:adj. 邻近的

fairly:adv. 相当的

low-lying:adj. 低洼的

moss:n. 苔藓

lichen:n. 青苔

prostrate:adj. 平卧的;沮丧的,一蹶不振的

snowdrift:n. (被风吹成的)雪堆

rigor:n. 严密,严格

insulation:n. 绝缘,保温

equatorial:adj. 赤道上的

prevalent:adj. 流行的

1.In many?semiarid?areas there is also a lower? timberline where the forest passes into? steppe ?or desert at its lower edge, usually because of a lack of?moisture.

2. Timberline ?trees are normally evergreens, suggesting that these he some advantage over? deciduous ?trees (those that lose their lees) in the extreme environments of the? upper ? timberline .?

3.This is particularly true for trees in the middle and? upper ? latitudes , which tend to attain greater heights on? ridges ,? whereas ?in the? tropics ?the trees reach their greater heights in the valleys.?

4.Late-lying snow reduces the effective growing season to the point where? seedlings ?cannot establish themselves.

5.Some scientists he proposed that the presence of increasing levels of?ultriolet?light with? elevation ?may play a role, while? browsing ?and? grazing animals like the? ibex ?may be another contributing factor.?

6.Immediately? adjacent ?to the? timberline , the? tundra ?consists of a? fairly ?complete cover of? low-lying shrubs ,? herbs , and grasses, while higher up the number and?diversity?of species decrease until there is much bare ground with? occasional ? mosses ?and? lichens ?and some? prostrate cushion?plants.?

1.The word “dramatic” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. gradual

B. complex

C. visible

D. striking


The transition from forest to treeless? tundra ?on a mountain? slope ?is often a? dramatic ?one.?Within a?vertical?distance of just a few tens of meters, trees disear as a life-form and are replaced by low? shrubs ,? herbs , and grasses.?This rapid zone of transition is called the? upper ? timberline ?or tree line.?In many?semiarid?areas there is also a lower? timberline where the forest passes into? steppe ?or desert at its lower edge, usually because of a lack of?moisture.


"dramatic: 剧烈的,戏剧化的,就单词本身能够想到drama戏剧,所以这个应该是戏剧的形容词。A是逐渐的;B是复杂的;C是可见的;D是显著的,突出的,惊人的。根据词意,正确答案是D。

14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.At the timberline, whether upper or lower, there is a profound change in the growth of trees and other plants.

A.Birch is one of the few species of tree that can survive in the extreme environments of the upper timberline.

B.There is no agreement among scientists as to exactly why plant growth is sharply different above and below the upper timberline.

C.The temperature at the upper timberline is probably more important in preventing tree growth than factors such as the amount of snowfall or the force of winds.

D.The geographical location of an upper timberline has an impact on both the types of trees found there and their physical characteristics.

E.High levels of ultriolet light most likely play a greater role in determining tree growth at the upper timberline than do grazing animals such as the ibex.

F.Despite being adjacent to the timberline, the alpine tundra is an area where certain kinds of low trees can endure high winds and very low temperatures.


A选项提到了具体的树种桦树,明显是一个细节选项,A选项不选;B选项对应第四段首句,B选项正确;由第四自然段大意及第四自然段的“Probably the most important environmental factor is temperature”可得C选项正确;D选项对应第二段的第三句和第三段的首句,D选项正确;E选项中,原文没有将两者进行比较,则E选项不正确;F选项中,虽然文章倒数第二自然段提到了紧挨着树带界线,苔原上都是矮灌木、草本植物和牧草,但是,文章中并没有直接介绍说这些低矮的树木能够忍受大风和低温。


高山山丘的英文:alpine hills

alpine的发音:美?[?l?pa?n]? 英?[?lpa?n]


hill的发音:美?[h?l]? 英?[h?l]



1.Instead,?he?will?move?out?of?his?luxury?Alpine?retreat into?a?small?wooden hut?in?the?mountains?or?a?simple?bedsit?in Innsbruck.


2.In?the?heart?of?Patagonia,?glaciers?rise?in?the?midst?of mountainscapes?and?alpine?meadows,?close?enough?to?hike?right?up?to?and?touch.


3.They?vary?from?that?of?Mexican?desert?at the?canyon?bottom?to the?arctic-alpine?type?of the?San Francisco?peaks.



1)What is special about K2?


K2 is word's second highest peak. It yet is considered a more technical and tougher mountain to climb than Everest.K2 is located on the borders of Pakistan and China in the Himalayan mountain range.


2)Puncak Trikora (东南亚第三高峰)曾经有一个冰盖,这里的英文山名是怎么翻?注:(这个你不用翻译,直接写英文,我查了资料,有人称其为中国寡妇山)

3)Hiraide and Taniguchi acclimatized on Kamet's northeastern slopes,first climbed in 1931. These Japanese climbers called their new route Samurai Direct, with difficulties up to M5+ and AI5+.

翻译:Hiraide 和Taniguchi (某某和谷口知美,两个日本人的名字)在Kamet的东北坡上适应了一下环境,并于1931年登峰成功。 这些日本登山者把这个路线称之为武士之路,难度达到混和路线M5+,冰雪路线AI5+.

4)However,the charts of the area are not very precise,the mountain being indicated to sites and at various altitudes, the first team to he wanted to try the rise had not even found the mountain besides.


5)Its first ascension was done in 1937 by J Wojszrnis and S. Szczepanski.

翻译:J Wojszrnis 和 S. Szczepanski与1937年成为该峰的第一位征服者。

6)这是有关Orjen山的:the four areas of this mountain are ZUBACKI UBLI, THE VRBANJ AREA, THE CRKVICE AREA and the area of BIJELA.


7)Parinacata volcano which is a massive stratovolcano on the border of Chile and Bolivia. It is part of the Nevadoes de Payachata group of volcanoes.

翻译:7)Parinacata 火山位于智利和玻利维亚交界处的大型成层火山,是Nevadoes de Payachata火山群之一。

8)Cerro Torre is located in Parque Nacional Los Glaciers in the Patagonia Region of Argentina. The Cerro Torre is located in a four mountain chain:Cerro Torre, Torre Egger, Punta Herron, and Cerro Standhart.

翻译:8)Cerro Torre坐落于阿根廷Patagonia地区的Parque Nacional Los Glaciers,和Torre Egger, Punta Herron, and Cerro Standhart组成一个山脉。

9)Erta Ale is a shield volcano,part of the East African rift system.

翻译:Erta Ale是一座盾形火山,是东非大裂谷的一部分。

10)The Ephesus Artemis was also revered as goddess of fertility and often pictured as draped with eggs, or multiple breasts.

翻译:10)Ephesus Artemis地区十分肥沃,有丰产上帝之称(感觉有点不太合适,反正意思就是称赞该地区十分肥沃),还经常被形容为满地鸡蛋或者哺育的奶头。 (后面说他满地鸡蛋,许多乳房,这些都是称赞其十分肥沃)




heart ?美?[hɑrt] ?英?[hɑ?(r)t] ?复数:hearts?





1、Winter?wind?blows?into?my?heart,?I?seem?to?see?the?scene?that the?boundlesslees?falling?from the?woods,?rustling.




3、That?means?getting?your?heart?rate?up?three?times a?week?for?at least?a?half?houreach?time.


4、The?truth?is,?all of us?hate?to be?corrected.?Being?listened?to and?heard?is?one of the?greatest?desires?of the?human?heart.


5、Find?your?beauty,?my?heart,?from?the?world's?movement,?like?the?boat?that?has the?grace?of the?wind?and?the?water.



Qomolangma (Everest),the main peak of the Himalayas,is the highest peak in the earth.At an altitude of 8848 meters,it is located at 86.9oE and 27.9oN.right on the east section of the Sino-Nepal border,with the north slope in Tingri County of the Tibet Autonomous Region,the people's Republic of China,and the south slope in the Kingdom of Nepal.In Tibetan Language,Qomolangma means "Goddess the Third" In the Map of China compiled and illustrated in 1717,the 56th year of the rule of Emperor Kang Xi in Qing Dynasty,Qomolangma was called Zhumulangma'alin (transliteration).

Qomolangma,shaped like a gigantic Pyramid and full of power and grandeur,towers into the sky while the land features are extremely precipitous and the environment usually complicated.The snow line of the north slope is 5800 - 6200 meters and that of the south 5500 - 6100 meters.Three great cliffs,which are generally named the North Cliff,the East Cliff and the Southwest Cliff,are embraced by the Northeast Ridge,the Southeast Ridge and the West Ridge.Between the ridges and cliffs scatter 548 continental glaciers,totaling an area of l457.07 square kilometers,with an area of alpine glaciers exceeding 100,1000 square kilometers.The greatest flannel glacier,26 kilometers long,has an erage thickness of 120 meters with the thickest over 300 meters.The glaciers vary in types,the greatest being of upward 7260 meters in height.The constant supply of the glaciers is mainly offered by the meta-morphism of cumuli-snow of the two great precipitation belts in the monsoon belt of the Indian Ocean.In the glaciers,there are various kinds of surpassingly beautiful and rare forests of seracs (ice towers),cliffs of dozens of meters in height and open and hidden crevasses with lots of pitfalls here and there as well as the perilous area of ice and snow alanches

加拿大旅游景点的英语介绍 加拿大的景点有哪些用英语表示

anff National Park is Canada's oldest national park, established in 1885, in the Canadian Rockies. The park, located 120 kilometres (80 mi) west of Calgary in the province of Alberta, encompasses 6,641 square kilometres of mountainous terrain, with numerous glaciers and ice fields, dense coniferous forest, and alpine landscapes. The Icefields Parkway extends from Lake Louise, connecting to Jasper National Park in the north. Provincial forests and Yoho National Park are neighbours to the west, while Kootenay National Park is located to the south and Kananaskis Country to the southeast. The main commercial centre of the park is the town of Banff, in the Bow River valley.

The Canadian Pacific Railway was instrumental in Banff's early years, building the Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise, and attracting tourists through extensive advertising. In the early 20th century, roads were built in Banff, at times by war internees, and through Great Depression-era public works projects. Since the 1960s, park accommodations he been open all year, with annual tourism visits to Banff increasing to over 5 million in the 1990s. Millions more pass through the park on the Trans-Canada Highway. As Banff is one of the world's most visited national parks, the health of its ecosystem has been threatened. In the mid-1990s, Parks Canada responded by initiating a two-year study, which resulted in management recommendations, and new policies that aim to preserve ecological integrity.



anff National Park is Canada's oldest national park, established in 1885, in the Canadian Rockies. The park, located 120 kilometres (80 mi) west of Calgary in the province of Alberta, encompasses 6,641 square kilometres of mountainous terrain, with numerous glaciers and ice fields, dense coniferous forest, and alpine landscapes. The Icefields Parkway extends from Lake Louise, connecting to Jasper National Park in the north. Provincial forests and Yoho National Park are neighbours to the west, while Kootenay National Park is located to the south and Kananaskis Country to the southeast. The main commercial centre of the park is the town of Banff, in the Bow River valley.

The Canadian Pacific Railway was instrumental in Banff's early years, building the Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise, and attracting tourists through extensive advertising. In the early 20th century, roads were built in Banff, at times by war internees, and through Great Depression-era public works projects. Since the 1960s, park accommodations he been open all year, with annual tourism visits to Banff increasing to over 5 million in the 1990s. Millions more pass through the park on the Trans-Canada Highway. As Banff is one of the world's most visited national parks, the health of its ecosystem has been threatened. In the mid-1990s, Parks Canada responded by initiating a two-year study, which resulted in management recommendations, and new policies that aim to preserve ecological integrity.


1、Canada , located in the northernmost North America, is one of the commonwealth countries.

It is known as the "maple leaf country" reputation.

Its capital is Ottawa._he famous cities are Toronto, vancouver and so on.

Canada reaches the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic ocean in the east, and the arctic ocean in the north.

Canada is a highly developed capitalist country.




官方语言有英语和法语两种,是典型的双语国家。 加拿大政治体制为联邦制和议会制君主立宪制,英王伊丽莎白二世为国家元首及国家象征,但无实际权力。





加拿大旅游景点英文名 , 越多越好, 明天就要用啊。



加拿大广场(canada plaza)

史坦利公园(Stanley Park)


洛布逊街(Robson St.)

格兰佛岛(Granville Island)



赌船(gambling boat)


布查花园(Butchart Garden)

雷鸟图腾柱公园(Thunderbird Park)




牛仔竞技大赛(Calgary Stampede)

西埃德蒙顿商场(West Edmonton Mall)





哥伦比亚大冰原(Columbia Icefield)


多伦多 - 西恩塔(CN Tower)

安大略博物馆(Royal Ontario Museum)


国会山庄(The Parliament Buildings)

加拿大国立美术馆(The National Gallery)

人类文明博物馆(Museum of Civilization)

里多运河(Rideau Canal)

拜沃市场(Byward Market)

郁金香花展(Tulip Festival)

尼加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)

阿冈昆公园(Algonquin Park)

火车之旅(Agawa Canyon Polar Bear Express)



山公园区(Mont Royal Park)

蒙特娄(Casino de Montreal)

圣母院(Notre-Dame Basilica)及旧城区

蒙特娄爵士节(Montreal Jazz Festival, July)

蒙特娄地下街城(Montreal's Underground City)


古城墙碉堡区(The Fortification)

芳堤娜城堡饭店(Chateau Frontenac)

奥尔良岛(lle d'Orleans)

蒙特摩伦斯瀑布(Montmorency Fall)

冬季嘉年华会(Winter Carnival)

塔伯拉山(Mont Tremblant)暨洛朗区(Laurentian)


Mingan Archipelago国家公园


斯必尔角(Cape Spear National Historic Site)

信号丘(Signal Hill National Historic Site)

圣约翰大教堂(The Basilica of St. John

Gros Morne国家公园




Famous tourist attractions in Canada.

读法 英 [_t__r_st; _t__r_st] 美 [_t_r_st]

n. 旅行者,观光客

adj. 旅游的

vt. 在旅行参观

vi. 旅游;观光


The Tourist 机密邂逅 ; 致命伴旅 ; 致命伴侣 ; 游客

tourist attraction 旅游胜地 ; 旅游景点 ; 旅游景区

Tourist Guide [经] 导游 ; 向导 ; 带领游览 ; 旅游指南

Tourist Trophy 摩托浪漫旅 ; 旅行者大奖赛 ; 源自英文 ; 旅游杯赛

tourist visa 旅游签证 ; 旅行签证 ; 游历签证





Niagara falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布。

Quebec city 魁北克城(北美最古老的法语小镇)。

Banff National Park。班夫国家公园(在落基山里,有恐龙化石哟)。

Thousand Islands千岛湖地区。


Toronto CN Tower多伦多国家电视塔(世界最高的电视塔)。

The Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is considered to be the only man-made project visible from the moon. Although it was once thought to he been built entirely during the Qin Dynasty between 221 and 208 BC, it is now believed to he been started earlier.

The 15-foot-high, 25-foot-wide, 1,500-mile-long structure was undouedly built to keep out invading enemies. To the common people of the empire, who had been forced to build the wall, it was not worth it, however. The wall, and other public works completed by the Qin Dynasty,had caused great losses of wealth and human life in the country. As a result,an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty,and in 207 BC the Han Dynasty began.

Because of its rich history and magnificent earance,the Great Wall attracts tourists, scientists, and historians to this day and will continue to do so for generations.

Qomolangma (Everest), the main peak of the Himalayas, is the highest peak in the earth. At an altitude of 8848 meters, it is located at 86.9oE and 27.9oN. right on the east section of the Sino-Nepal border, with the north slope in Tingri County of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the people's Republic of China, and the south slope in the Kingdom of Nepal. In Tibetan Language, Qomolangma means "Goddess the Third" In the Map of China compiled and illustrated in 1717, the 56th year of the rule of Emperor Kang Xi in Qing Dynasty, Qomolangma was called Zhumulangma'alin (transliteration).

Qomolangma, shaped like a gigantic Pyramid and full of power and grandeur, towers into the sky while the land features are extremely precipitous and the environment usually complicated. The snow line of the north slope is 5800 - 6200 meters and that of the south 5500 - 6100 meters. Three great cliffs, which are generally named the North Cliff, the East Cliff and the Southwest Cliff, are embraced by the Northeast Ridge, the Southeast Ridge and the West Ridge. Between the ridges and cliffs scatter 548 continental glaciers, totaling an area of l457.07 square kilometers, with an area of alpine glaciers exceeding 100,1000 square kilometers. The greatest flannel glacier, 26 kilometers long, has an erage thickness of 120 meters with the thickest over 300 meters. The glaciers vary in types, the greatest being of upward 7260 meters in height. The constant supply of the glaciers is mainly offered by the meta-morphism of cumuli-snow of the two great precipitation belts in the monsoon belt of the Indian Ocean. In the glaciers, there are various kinds of surpassingly beautiful and rare forests of seracs (ice towers), cliffs of dozens of meters in height and open and hidden crevasses with lots of pitfalls here and there as well as the perilous area of ice and snow alanches