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apollo group_

tamoadmin 2024-08-16
1.名人英文资料2.哈利波特扮演者的主要资料3.求英语童话小故事。附中文翻译和故事主旨。4.“8”英文怎么发音?Ultra DMA硬盘 为IDE硬盘的提高型





apollo group_

Ultra DMA硬盘

为IDE硬盘的提高型,也作Ultra ATA硬盘,简称UDMA硬盘,分为UDMA/33和UDMA/66两种,UDMA/33 的瞬间传输速率可达33.3MBPS,另一优点在于比普通IDE硬盘CPU读写占有率降低50%左右,即读写时很少需要CPU控制,在硬盘进行读写的大部分时间内CPU可去做其它可做的事,从而使系统速度明显提高。 UDMA/33的信号线和普通IDE硬盘相同,故一般微机也可安装,但如果没有新型的支持UDMA技术的主控芯片组和主板的支持,只能当作普通IDE硬盘使用,无法发挥其优点。另外,在装有UDMA硬盘的微机中,CPU速度和内存容量应尽量高才能充分发挥UDMA硬盘的性能。 目前支持UDMA/33硬盘的主控芯片组有Intel 430tx以上、Intel 440lx以上及VIA APOLLO MVP2以上芯片组。

UDMA/66的瞬间传输速率将高达66MBPS, 是UDMA/33的两倍。目前芯片组厂商宣布支持UDMA/66的有VIA APOLLOPRO PLUS芯片组、VIA APOLLO MVP4 芯片组、Intel 810芯片组等。要发挥UDMA/66 的高速传输性能还必须使用配合UDMA/66的专用信号线,与普通硬盘线不同,UDMA/66排线由80条信号线组成,非常密集。 安装UDMA硬盘时,必须将CMOS设置项中的Integrated Peripherals 项设为“UDMA”,开机时的硬件检测清单中将会显示UDMA 2(检测到UDMA/33)或UDMA 4(检测到UDMA/66),如无法设为UDMA则说明该主板BIOS不支持UDMA技术。


A day winter dusk, west setting sun under, has red soaked the mostblue color horizon, quite magnificent sight. This moment Oliver Stone"Assassinates Kennedy" also in the triumphant article natrium fervor to debate declined has gotten down the curtain.Hollywood always does not lack the hero, in the cartoon "Exceedsothers in ability", "Bat Variant", "Green Giant"; In film "Luo riverWonderful", "Blue Is abundant"; Has in the war innumerable brewarriors. All these all focus on the white theater curtain, takesturns along with the film projector to rotate, in the theater audiencenearly all indistinctly felt one kind of spiritual shaking, this kindof spirit recklessly wes by the American directors, I called thiskind of spirit is "the American spirit".

"Ses Main strength Auspicious Graciousness" to take the classics theWorld War II theme movie, inside maps the American spirit is brilliantincomparably. In order to se in a family last the son, afterDepartment of Defense general issues an order to search thesub-element thorough enemy, found it and safely repatriates theauspicious graciousness. We simply conceive in this, has alreadyreceived the god gracious gift after the Normandy Landing soldier inthe certain degree, but again lets these soldiers enter the Germanarmed force center, how can they think, how they can do? I wantedcertainly to be the resistance mood he occupied the major part, butSpier on has ingeniously lied the movie empty principle,good at the same time unfolded with every effort for the audience,thus in the movie, we saw Tom the Hanks one group of bre warriorshe treated the German armed force to be fearless, treat the gunartillery furiously to go forward, although the person has died most,but end of mission, has manifested the American spirit, and has wonthe giant box office effect, killed two birds with one stone,Hollywood intelligent place in and this.

Frigid World War II had ended, the gunsmoke was has not had, but thecold war actually started. 70 years "Apollo 13" rapidly lift off, hasnever realized because a fatal mistake - loses the oxygen, causes themfaced with the unprecedented test, must grasp 4 days time which onlyhas to return to the Earth. Director bright Howard has used this realhistorical event is the main source, created certainly the bigcounter-attack -like "Apollo 13". Watches the movie at the same time,I continuously was thinking why bright Howard doesn't select "Apollo11", because of in July 20, 1969, American spaceman Armstrong butfirst landed the Moon, but also said "my half step, was an universestride" heart-to-heart talk. Under but measures three thinks, "Apollo13" indeed compare "Apollo 11" to he the charm.

1: Survives in the adverse circumstance compared to the pure successears complex.

2: "Lees the hero according to the tumultuous times" the principle,in the adverse circumstance is easy to accomplish the hero.

3: Hero's earance is to American citizen's one kind of spiritualinspiration.

Finally three spacemen, the security returns to the Earth, in worldpeople's lause, American spirit thorough exposition. The movie isindeed splendid, the lead molds also really is perfect, but in aChinese's eye, what taste feels this kind of American spirit is?

The 20th century 88 year Texas small town, the education finance isshort, but principal signed without hesitation the yearly salary60,000 US dollars contracts for the hard bowl training (in US,only had rugby to be able to call it ). The request only, leadsthe high lieutenant colonel team, wins the Texas area champion. Theyouths were unremitting diligently trade , actually lost thechampion ring, all these were not certainly fearful, because the youthfiercely oained the small town people's support, gained familymember's understanding, has manifested the American spirit ("Light ofthe Victory" plot). Resolves the movie also is one of Hollywood'simportant themes, like "the Arab League Gansu Main story", "GallopsAge" and so on greatly to attain successfully.

The terrorist rampant arrogance there is no place in, carelesslybetween, did not hit collapsed the American world trade center,putting oneself in another's place thinks for the American, worereally ears a little pitifully, the common people were innocentafter all, in has not smoothed in front of they wound. The brewarrior mole has promoted the documentary film "Fahrenheit 911",authenticity, the political nature let young Bush and his all fears, in the documentary film, the clear tunnel bright Bushfamily and Saudi Arabian financial group's had , why indetermined when Radden for terrorist object, does not go promptlyarrests him, but changes the strategy to attack Iraq. Promoted thiswork, the mole has made the enormous effort, also highlighted the USnational in a side to persist sought the truth the earnest hope, wasthis not so-called "the American spirit"? The same example in"Assassinates Kennedy" center also to display fully.

"The American spirit" has the pivotal status in Hollywood's movie, itmay rouse national's mood, may let the national know the real event,lets the national realize own live in US is the how misfortune.


Ray Charles


September 23, 1930 - June 10, 2004

Ray Charles has the distinction of being both a national treasure and an international phenomenon. He started out from nowhere; years later finds him a global entity.

Hundreds of thousands of fingers he hit typewriter and word processor keyboards telling and retelling his story because it is uniquely American, an exemplar of what we like to think is the best in us and of our way of life.

The Ray Charles story is full of paradoxes, part and parcel of the American Dream.

Rags to riches. Triumph overcoming tragedy. Light transcending darkness.

The name Ray Charles is on a Star on Hollywood Boulevard's Walk of Fame. His bronze bust is enshrined in the Playboy Hall of Fame. There is the bronze medallion cast and presented to him by the French Republic on behalf of its people. There are the Halls of Fame: Rhythm & Blues, Jazz, Rock & Roll. There are the many gold records and the 12 Grammys...

There is the blackness and the blindness. There was the extreme poverty; there was the segregated South into which he was born.

It is music, Ray Charles' single driving force, that catapulted a poor, black, blind, orphaned ager from there to here.

"I was born with music inside me. That's the only explanation I know of..." he remarks in his autobiography.

"Music was one of my parts... Like my blood. It was a force already with me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me - like food or water."

"Music is nothing separate from me. It is me... You'd he to remove the music surgically."

Ray Charles Robinson was not born blind, only poor.

The first child of Aretha and Baily Robinson was born in Albany, GA, on September 23, 1930.

He hit the road early, at about three months, when the Robinsons moved across the border to Greenville, FL. It was the height of the Depression years. And the Robinsons had started out poor.

"you hear folks talking about being poor," Charles recounts. "Even compared to other blacks. . . we were on the bottom of the ladder looking up at everyone else. Nothing below us except the ground."

It took three years, starting when Ray Charles was four, for the country boy who loved to look at the blazing sun at its height, the boy who loved to try to catch lightning, the boy who loved to strike matches to see their fierce, brief glare, to trel the path from light to darkness.

But Ray Charles has almost seven years of sight memory - colors, the things of the backwoods country, and the face of the most important person in his life: his mother, Aretha Robinson.

St. Augustine's was the Florida state school for the deaf and blind. Ray Charles was accepted as a charity student.

He learned to read Braille and to type. He became a skilled basket weer. He was allowed to develop his great gift of music.

He discovered mathematics and its correlation to music. He learned to compose and arrange music in his head, telling out the parts, one by one.

He remained at St. Augustine's until his mother's death when he set out "on the road again" for the first time as a struggling professional musician.

The road to greatness was no picnic, proverbial or literal. In fact, while earning his dues around and about Florida, he almost starved at times, hanging around at various Musicians' Locals, picking up gigs when he could.

He began to build himself a solo act, imitating Nat "King" Cole. When he knew it was time to head on, he asked a friend to find him the farthest point from Florida on a map of the continental U.S.

Seattle, WA. For Ray Charles, the turning point.

In Seattle he became a minor celebrity in local clubs. There he met an even younger musician, Quincy Jones, whom he took under his wing, marking the beginning of an inter-twining of two musical lifetimes...

It was from Seattle that he went to Los Angeles to cut his first professional recording. And it was in Seattle, with Gossady McGee, that he formed the McSon Trio -- Robin (son) and (Mc) Gee -- in 1948, the first black group to he a sponsored TV show in the Pacific Northwest.

Along the way he'd shortened his name in deference to the success of "Sugar" Ray Robinson.

As Ray Charles, he toured for about a year with Lowell Fulsom's band. He formed a group and played with singer Ruth Brown. He played the Apollo, the landmark showcase for black talent. He aspired to Carnegie Hall, then as now epitomizing the of artistic success.

These were also the years that brought Charles the first band of his own, his first big hit record, "I Got A Woman."

By the early 1960's Ray Charles had accomplished his dream. He'd come of age musically. He had become a great musician, posting musical milestones along his route.

He'd made it to Carnegie Hall. The hit records ("Georgia," "Born to Lose") successively kept climbing to the top of the charts. He'd made his first triumphant European concert tour in 1960 (a feat which, except for 1965, he's repeated at least once a year ever since).

He'd treated himself to the formation of his first big band in 1961. In 1962, together with his long time friend and personal manager, Joe Adams, he oversaw construction of his own office building and recording studios in Los Angeles, RPM International.

He had taken virtually every form of popular music and broken through its boundaries with such awe inspiring achievements as the LP's "Genius Plus Soul Equals Jazz" and "Modern Sounds in Country & Western."

Rhythm & blues (or "race music" as it had been called) became universally respectable through his efforts. Jazz found a mainstream audience it had never previously enjoyed. And country & western music began to chart an unexpected course to general acceptance, then worldwide popularity. Along the way Ray Charles was instrumental in the invention of rock & roll.

In 1966 Thomas Thompson wrote in his profile of Ray Charles for Life:

"...his niche is difficult to define. The best blues singer around? Of course, but don't stop there. He is also an unparalled singer of jazz, of gospel, of country and western.

"He has drawn from each of these musical streams and made a river which he alone can nigate."

His music is still marked by the unpredictability that is the genius of consummate artistry.

He is master of his soul, musically and personally.

To this day he selects and produces his own recording material with utter disregard for trends. He doesn't find the time nor necessity to write as much as he once did, but what he gleans, "from the attic of my mind, " either old or new, is inevitably suprising, unique, "right."

In the past decade he has taken on George Gershwin ("Porgy and Bess"), Rodgers and Hammerstein ("Some Enchanted Evening," "Oh What a Beautiful Morning") and "America the Beautiful" -- all with resounding, if unexpected, success.

Despite his intense reticence to expose the personal portion of his life to public scrutiny, Ray Charles is as outspoken about his opinions on matters of global interest as he is about matters of music.

As a Southern Black, segregation was Ray Charles' dubious birthright. But racial tension and friction were not a part of his early rural years. At St. Augustine's the rules of segregation were strictly adhered to, both for the deaf and the blind children, a fact that even young Ray Charles found ironic.

"I knew being blind was suddenly an aid. I never learned to stop at the skin. If I looked at a man or a woman, I wanted to see inside. Being distracted by shading or coloring is stupid. It gets in the way. It's something I just can't see."

It was on the road in the 1950's that the realities of segregation, its evils, its injustices, even its ludicrous moments, became arent to Charles and his troupe of treling musicians.

It was a concert day in Augusta, GA that brought the issue of segregation vs. civil rights to a head for Ray Charles.

"A promoter insisted that a date we were about to play be segregated: the blacks upstairs and the whites downstairs.

"I told the promoter that I didn't mind segregation, except that he had it backwards. . . After all, I was black and it only made sense to he the black folk close to me. . . Let him sue. I wasn't going to play. And I didn't. And he sued. And I lost."

This was the incident that propelled Ray Charles into an active role in the quest for racial justice, the development of social consciousness that led him to friendship with and moral and financial support of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the 1960's.

"...early on, I decided that if I was going to shoot craps on anyone's philosophy, I was putting my money on Martin Luther King Jr.

"I figured if I was going to pick up my cross and follow someone, it could only be Martin."

Despite his deep commitment to King and the cause of black Americans, Charles came to the logical conclusion that there was no place for him physically in the front lines:

"First, I wouldn't he known when to duck when they started throwing broken bottles at my head. And I told that to Martin personally.

"When he intentionally broke the law, he was hauled off to jail. And when you go to jail, you need money for lawyers, for legal research, for court fees, for food for the marchers. I saw that as my function; I helped raise money."

His awareness of racial injustice was not limited to the home front: The same years he fought the war against racial injustice in the American South found in Charles a growing awareness of racial injustice abroad, particularly the notorious policy of apartheid in South Africa.

Modest to the point of mum about his humanitarian and charitable activities, Ray Charles makes an exception for the State of Israel and world Jewry.

Among the many, the world leader Charles has most enjoyed meeting is Did Ben-Gurion, with whom he had a conversation of many hours during a concert tour of Israel not long before Ben-Gurion's death.

And the award among the hundreds he claims to he touched him the most is the Beverly Hills Lodge of B'nai Brith's tribute to its "Man of the Year" in 16.

"Even though I'm not Jewish," he explains," and even though I'm stingy with my bread, Israel is one of the few causes I feel good about supporting.

"Blacks and Jews are hooked up and bound together by a common history of persecution. . .

"If someone besides a black ever sings the real gut bucket blues, it'll be a Jew. We both know what it's like to be someone else's footstool."

But it all comes back to music, so inseparable from Ray Charles.

He keeps rolling along, doing what he does uniquely and wondrously well.

Ray Charles is a national treasure and a global phenomenon for this reason:

He is music; he is himself; he is a master of his soul.


Daniel Radcliffe

中文名:丹尼尔 雷德克里夫

饰演人物:Harry Potter 哈利波特

呢称:Dan, Danny, Daniel , Do--it--again Dan(在拍摄时的称呼)






母亲:Marcia Gresham(经理人),44岁

父亲:Alan Radcliffe(文学代理),46岁

宠物:Binka & Nugget(柯利牧羊狗)




喜欢的**明星:汤姆 克鲁斯,妮可 基得曼


音乐:Rem、 U2、 Stereophonics、 Dido、 JJ72、the Sex Pistols、 the New York Dolls、the Stranglers.









哈利系列: 《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚犯》


**场景:《哈利波特与魔法石》--最后的棋盘,对抗伏地魔, 魔鬼网



(除哈利波特以外的)书:Louis Sachar's "Holes"

**:Moulin Rouge(红磨坊/梦断花都/情陷红磨坊),12 Angry Men(12个愤怒的男人),

Shakespeare in love(恋爱中的莎士比亚/莎翁情史),Apollo 13(阿波罗13/太阳神13号)What's Eating Gilbert Grape(不清楚它的中文译名,这是

丹在奥斯卡里说过的,是一部黑白片),Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救庶),The Dish(天线)


糖果:Mars bar(一种巧克力)

饮料:Diet Coke(健怡可乐)





女演员:Julia Roberts(朱莉娅.罗伯茨),Kate Winslet(凯特.温斯蕾特),Catherine Zeta-Jones(凯瑟琳.泽塔--琼斯),Kate Hudson(凯特.哈德森)

Renee Zellweger(蕾妮.泽尔维格),Kirsten Dunst(克斯汀。邓斯特)

男演员:Tom Hanks(汤姆.汉克斯),Ben Stiller(本.斯蒂勒),Jude Law(裘德.劳)

Ed Harrie(艾德.哈里斯), Robert Deniro(罗伯特.德尼罗)


t恤设计: Mambo

小机械: 随身听CD机








《大卫科波菲尔》(原名:Did Copperfield ) 出品商:英国BBC电视台



参演**:哈利波特系列 巴拿马裁缝


.英国Variety Club的最佳新人奖

.意大利的Did Di Donatello奖

.Golden Apple award(金苹果奖), Hollywood Women's Press Club Male Youth Discovery of the Year

历史:1999年出演bbc的电视剧《Did Copperfield》据说当时丹尼尔的父母并没有表现出很高的热情,但是丹尼尔的能力征服了观众。在2000年时,他又扮演《巴







12岁的埃玛·沃森 (Emma Watson) 在《哈利·波特与魔法石》中首次闪亮登场,进入职业演艺界。但她的天份早已显山露水,她曾多次在学校的演出中大受好评。

埃玛 5 岁时从法国移居英国。7 岁时在学校的诗歌朗诵比赛中获一等奖。她在学校排演的《亚瑟:青年时代》(Arthur:The Young Years) 中扮演了 Morgan La Fay,接着又主演了《快乐王子》(The Hy Prince)。


鲁珀特·格林特 (Rupert Grint) 再次扮演了这个韦斯莱兄弟中最小的弟弟,哈利·波特最好的朋友。虽然影片《哈利·波特与魔法石》是鲁珀特初涉专业表演,但他的天赋为他赢得了全球评论界和公众的称赞,并获得了英国影评人协会最佳新人奖提名。

自主演第一部哈利·波特影片后,他又继续与西蒙·凯劳 (Simon Callow) 和史提芬·佛利 (Stephen Fry) 合作,在彼得·哈韦特 (Peter Howitt) 的《臭**小子历险记》(Thunderpants) 中扮演一位年轻狂妄的教授。









“8”英文是:eight,读音是: [eit]?


英 [e?t]? 美 [et]?

num. 八;八个;第八;八岁;八点

adj. 八的

n. 八人划船队


Eight Below?极地长征 ; 南极大冒险 ; 零下八度 ; 极地雪犬

Eight Consciousnesses?阿赖耶识 ; 八识

Eight Tigers?八党

Eight Heroes?八大豪侠


1、What will you see after you pass all eight levels?


2、Whether you go four hours a day or eight hours, it really depends on what you do.?





英 ['?kt?(?)n(?)r?]? 美 ['ɑkt?,n?ri]?

adj. [数] 八进制的;八的;由八组成的

n. 八个一组;八行诗


octonary code?[计]?八进制码 ; 八进制码英语

octonary system?八进制

eight octonary?八的

octonary signalling?八进制信号发送


In the algorithm of mesh simplification based on vertex clustering, a vertex tree is built to represent the data structure of the models by octonary subdivision.?
