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tamoadmin 2024-09-08






















"Ice Age 3" and the inevitable result of success is the assembly line - Feedback

And compared to Episode II, "Ice Age 3" In the view of somewhat improved, but the overall quality of this series of films on the downward trend is still hope that producers stop there, or another bar for new ideas, but the people will certainly not listen to me, means for misropriating campaign will be carried out in full swing. Cast aside the theme of the film itself, the merits and the plot arrangements, reasonable or not, just from the technical level, painfully convinced people that make money. It can be said of "Ice Age 3" is represented by a large number of Hollywood animated film created by the bizarre color scene of the fairy tale world of "amazing" to describe is not at too much, but I see "Ice Age 3" the greatest feeling, not only in Here, I am more impressed by the Hollywood animated film production concepts with strong technical support of this concept has almost reached Transformation.

As animated films generally he anthropomorphic and fantasy colors, almost from the creation time, space, role constraints, Earth and even the universe can be of any species into the animated film, and to speak, human beings can be carried out in all its activities. From this point of view, extremely broad drawn animated films, as opposed to live-action film, it is reasonable for its story demands much more relaxed. But this does not mean that they can be written and directed nonsense, others do not mess things up, basically you should be given to the successful stories in, and tell you to read the laugh easily, and people put money away, bin. "Ice Age 3" It is very intuitive to see that the Hollywood animated story books written and directed several major magic weapon, put it plainly, is a production line, according to the routine production, virtually no run, where the poor are poor not to go.

Magic one: the role of adult ual

, "Ice Age" series are extremely persistent in pairs of squirrel nuts, as the film an important clue, which is almost become a sign of this series of films, "Ice Age 3" is no exception, but also arranged into a female squirrel. First of all, only on the mother squirrel shape, we see is a mature form of beauty, male squirrel to see female squirrel that Indecent expression, as well as the combination of two squirrels and contradictions of hing no not according to adult the evolution of thought and life. This creative roach, in the Hollywood animated film almost everywhere. Animated films he been the main audience is children, but precisely because of these "image of the child," which incorporates elements of the adult's performance, in the form and content of great contrast given rise to a strong entertainment tastes, and thus film has become young and old salt Yi had. In contrast to our animated feature films, to a large extent, are confined to the children's world, not daring to introduce adult thinking, makes our animation looks very "mental handicap" and is only suitable for children, adults all day long if staring at "Haier Brothers" Look, I am afraid we he to be as "mental handicap" had. Of course, this situation has improved in recent years, but still can not relax hands and feet.

Magic 2: the broad themes

Hollywood's gang marching were that, with unrestrained imagination, almost all worldly things into their creation among small, "Horton and Anonymous" in the micro-organisms, large "ice age" in the dinosaur mammoth Like, from the "In Search of Nimes" in the deep ocean to the "WALL-E" in the vastness of the universe, from the "Madagascar" in New York's Central Park to "The Lion King" in the vast grasslands of Africa, from the Arabic legend "Aladdin" China Story "Mulan" and so on, can be said that as long as you can think of the area, almost all were involved in Hollywood animation. As a result, as long as technology licensing, Hollywood animation on the endless subject matter, while the technical support is exactly the problem the most is not an issue. It is this breadth of subject matter to create on the guarantee of the Hollywood animated film is forever full of magic, you can not think of the story will always occur, and these topics sufficient to accommodate the breadth of global culture, this let's get the soft admire American culture The underlying strength and strong technical support. And our domestic animated film is always escape from the traditional subject matter, a "row sky" for decades, has always been an insurmountable peak, it is not glory, but rather sad. Some people will say that our animation technology, immature, this is true, then we are not in the 3D field advantage in the plane animation technology should not be a problem, right? Japan's a lot of good animated films are flat, showing that the content is always greater than the form. "Gray Wolf and the radiant" seems to tell us a ray of hope, I hope this is not a flash in the pan.

Magic 3: Content of entertaining

Of course, Hollywood's biggest selling point is its animated entertainment. Take the "Ice Age 3" in the sloth Sid, this is a slick, both ways, but there is a kind-hearted soul Ichii little bully image, he almost is "Ice Age" series, the heart and soul is this series the largest entertainment spots. He has all the weaknesses of ordinary human beings, but it is ordinary human beings with basic human nature, it is this grass-roots nature of the film as a whole to ensure the PFP, which is why people find fault no matter how to film, you had to laugh after reading the smile, you smile, the money did not, and that even if the film a success. Interestingly, almost all of the animated Hollywood film has one or two similar to the role of Sid, such as "Shrek" series in the ass, "Mulan" in the series of wood to be long, "The Lion King" series of gorillas and Later, it emerged that the two clown - Ding Man and Peng Peng, the emergence of these roles greatly enhanced the film's fun colors, and some he even become masters, to be perceived as extremely impressed with the "hero." This would be good thanks to Hollywood animation producers the ability to manufacture and trafficking in entertainment, and this ability is almost industrialization, forming a production line. The role of the basic routines he been identified, as long as the role of the creation of a walk according to this routine, basic to success. As long as amused everyone can you say? You do not see is a Lehe do?

Magic four: the plot to be human

Personally think that this is almost the soul of animated films, personification of this work well, and out of something, it could be fine. "Ice Age 3" and there was a Don Quixote-like figure similar toMagic 2: the broad themes

Hollywood's gang marching were that, with unrestrained imagination, almost all worldly things into their creation among small, "Horton and Anonymous" in the micro-organisms, large "ice age" in the dinosaur mammoth Like, from the "In Search of Nimes" in the deep ocean to the "WALL-E" in the vastness of the universe, from the "Madagascar" in New York's Central Park to "The Lion King" in the vast grasslands of Africa, from the Arabic legend "Aladdin" China Story "Mulan" and so on, can be said that as long as you can think of the area, almost all were involved in Hollywood animation. As a result, as long as technology licensing, Hollywood animation on the endless subject matter, while the technical support is exactly the problem the most is not an issue. It is this breadth of subject matter to create on the guarantee of the Hollywood animated film is forever full of magic, you can not think of the story will always occur, and these topics sufficient to accommodate the breadth of global culture, this let's get the soft admire American culture The underlying strength and strong technical support. And our domestic animated film is always escape from the traditional subject matter, a "row sky" for decades, has always been an insurmountable peak, it is not glory, but rather sad. Some people will say that our animation technology, immature, this is true, then we are not in the 3D field advantage in the plane animation technology should not be a problem, right? Japan's a lot of good animated films are flat, showing that the content is always greater than the form. "Gray Wolf and the radiant" seems to tell us a ray of hope, I hope this is not a flash in the pan.

Magic 3: Content of entertaining

Of course, Hollywood's biggest selling point is its animated entertainment. Take the "Ice Age 3" in the sloth Sid, this is a slick, both ways, but there is a kind-hearted soul Ichii little bully image, he almost is "Ice Age" series, the heart and soul is this series the largest entertainment spots. He has all the weaknesses of ordinary human beings, but it is ordinary human beings with basic human nature, it is this grass-roots nature of the film as a whole to ensure the PFP, which is why people find fault no matter how to film, you had to laugh after reading the smile, you smile, the money did not, and that even if the film a success. Interestingly, almost all of the animated Hollywood film has one or two similar to the role of Sid, such as "Shrek" series in the ass, "Mulan" in the series of wood to be long, "The Lion King" series of gorillas and Later, it emerged that the two clown - Ding Man and Peng Peng, the emergence of these roles greatly enhanced the film's fun colors, and some he even become masters, to be perceived as extremely impressed with the "hero." This would be good thanks to Hollywood animation producers the ability to manufacture and trafficking in entertainment, and this ability is almost industrialization, forming a production line. The role of the basic routines he been identified, as long as the role of the creation of a walk according to this routine, basic to success. As long as amused everyone can you say? You do not see is a Lehe do?

Magic four: the plot to be human

Personally think that this is almost the soul of animated films, personification of this work well, and out of something, it could be fine. "Ice Age 3" and there was a similar to the Don Quixote-like figure - weasel Buck, this role is to embody a deeper level of what the human body, it is a pursuit, a kind of self-sacrifice the spirit of the pursuit, although the role of absurd, but we must admit that this spirit can be found in humans did. The most commendable parts of Hollywood animation is able to in the subject of ridicule in some token of entertainment among the speak out, tell you to laugh over later, he to aftertaste, rather than mechanically preaching. Impressed me so far are found in "The Lion King", the Scar Simba looking to escape the shadow of a small, murky against coyotes (if I remember correctly) said: "Kill him!" -- This scenario is an animated version of Huo Tuotuo to underworld boss looks like and tells the people pondering infinity. In "Horton and Anonymous", the final outcome shows that truth is often rests in the hands of the few in the film world and the micro-macro eventually attributed to a better world, but in reality are often difficult to achieve such a hy outcome, thus making video more profound meaning as a whole. "WALL-E" has even more in the end of the world of human desire for love plot and vividly lied to the robot's shoulders, watching film seems to he become a spiritual sublimation process. In contrast China's animated films, were always going to preach, even more ridiculous is that we he the traditional culture and education, moral sentiments of education, patriotic education is often temporary preaching, rather than know how to nurture learning fun, is kingly.

In addition is the leading technology of animation, this is for all to see, no talk.

"Ice Age 3" can not be considered an animated classic, but it has all the characteristics of the Hollywood animated films, animation realistic, young and old, sentimental, entertainment full. Can be said that the Hollywood animated film industry has formed the scale of pipeline operations, as long as the script without getting technical support is without question. In recent years, Hollywood's animated films, even though there are high or low quality, but almost a complete failure few examples. Because out of things on the line, all with a few of the above-mentioned characteristics of the people recognized only in the integration of these features he a level of points, but it is not sufficient to guarantee that eared certain to win, and the rest is just profit how much money a problem.

Therefore, "Ice Age 3" They are not necessarily more successful, but the money earned clever, this genius of animated film, the Chinese people need to learn as much as


《霍顿与无名氏》影评去年一次偶然机会观看了口碑颇佳的《霍顿与无名氏》(Horton Hears a Who),印象深刻以至于我逢人推荐,我告诫大伙留意**里用喜剧动画片方式所表达的人间的真善美以及亘古至今谈论未衰的“自由平等”话题(一定程度上也说明不平等现象至今仍未在世界上消除)。最近重温了不少好莱坞动画片,这部**自然是少不了要温故而知新的。



影片自然是以“圆满结局”收尾,在大象霍顿的保护下,加上全灰尘人在镇长的带领下齐心协力向世界高呼“We are Here”证明自己,让世界所信服,同时也保护了自己生命的延续。影片中请来Jim Gary金?6?1凯利给大象霍顿配音,自然是处处充满了暴笑,即使看上两遍同样如此。可最难能可贵的是笑声之余让我有特别多的感触和思考,这一点比同样让人乐开怀的《功夫熊猫》强了不少。








这是影片透过旁白不断暗示观众的主题:A Person is a person, no matter how small。总不能因为灰尘上的生命太小就忽略它甚至毁灭它吧,它同样有活生生的生命存在,同样有感人至深的情感存在。





别人笑我太疯癫——《霍顿与无名氏》观后感 这是一部拍给大人看的动画,关于生命、爱,与正义。大象霍顿偶然地听到苜蓿花上传来的声音,于是,他发现了这个生存在一粒灰尘上的小镇——无名镇。霍顿开始与这个镇子的镇长纳特沟通,试图使纳特相信,他们确实生活在一粒灰尘上。最终,镇长相信了,并请求霍顿将他们带到一个安全的地方。霍顿发现,森林里到处潜伏着危机,于是,他决定,将无名镇所依附的这粒灰尘,带到森林的最高处——诺尔山顶,那里有一个宁静祥和的小山洞,“在那里,向日葵茁壮成长,在那里每一个无名氏都会平安无事”。此时,**开始在一大一小两个世界中切换。在无名镇那个小小世界中,镇长纳特为人热心忠实,公正廉洁,但有时举止怪异。纳特虽为镇长,但却毫无权利,权利集中在自以为是又专制的镇委会手中。于是,当纳特将“无名镇其实是存在于一粒灰尘上”这一事实上报镇委会时,遭到了所有镇委会委员的嘲笑,并称他为“boob”;而当他将“无名镇危在旦夕”的消息传达给镇民时,更是遭到了所有人的嘲笑,在大家眼中,纳特俨然是一个“boob”。而在森林世界中,霍顿边向诺尔山顶行进,边对着鼻子上的苜蓿说话。连霍顿最好的朋友,都不相信,那粒灰尘上,确实有着生命。诺顿和苜蓿“说话”的消息很快传到了自认为是森林统治者的袋鼠耳朵里,又是一个自以为是又不可一世的家伙,她认为霍顿这样的行为不能够被容忍,于是派出秃鹫袭击霍顿。秃鹫百般阻挠,但霍顿凭借着他的聪明勇敢,终于战胜了秃鹫。而此时,霍顿再次和镇长纳特取得了联系,并配合纳特,让镇民们相信了,纳特所说的一切,都是真的。就在霍顿即将到达目的地时,袋鼠又被有用心地以“霍顿的行为给孩子们造成不良影响”为由,煽动森林中的各种动物一起围截霍顿。在这千钧一发的时刻,无名镇镇民们集合在一起,声嘶力竭地呐喊着:“we are here,we are here!”。终于,呐喊声冲破了重重阻隔,传到了外面的世界。无名镇得救了,霍顿得救了。 美国人喜欢讽刺,无一例外,这部**也充满了讽刺。当无名镇镇委会对所有镇民说,无名镇一切安好,充满快乐、光荣和欢庆时,我想到了易卜生的《人民公敌》,想到了过去多年的“非典”,以及刚刚发生的“手足口病”中,的表现。在去年世界银行在北京开的关于“环境污染导致中国人早亡”的问题会议,也用了这部戏作为收尾。而看到袋鼠以“孩子将会受害”的名义煽动动物们去攻击霍顿,却毫不在乎孩子听到秃鹫的残忍、暴力的描述时,我感到,那是多么地熟悉。总有一些伪君子,打着“保护孩子”的名义,挑起事端,煽动群众,制造愤怒,以达到打倒自己的对立面的险恶目的。而他们,真的在乎孩子吗?再说这次的汶川地震,这样的国难之后,就出现了一批道德流窜犯,到处打着道德的旗号,说这家公司捐得少了,那位名人捐得少了,这位又如何,那位又如何,最好以“群众的力量”,将自己看得不爽的人通通抹杀。而他们,真的关心灾区,关心灾民吗?即便如此,**却依旧充满让人感动的东西。当大象霍顿在百万的苜蓿丛中搜索那只粘有灰尘的苜蓿时,当他从一直搜寻到正午,搜了9005支苜蓿濒临崩溃时,当他最终在风中寻觅到那支苜蓿时,以及寻到之后的狂喜,都让我动容。在震后的废墟上,搜救人员,也是是如此地搜寻着吧。救出幸存者后,也是如此的激动吧。一样的,都是对生命的尊重与爱,一样的。而在关键时刻,无名镇所有镇民齐声的呐喊,也是感人至深的。那样的万众一心,那样的众志成城,岂不也似曾相识?最后还要回到同志上,我们同志群体,好比这个无名镇,被人不了解、不认同,甚至不知道。而我们确实存在着,但我们的呼声没人听见。而在如此的情况下,有没有霍顿为我们说话,为我们争取权利?有,如李老师,如张北川老师,都是“霍顿”。但我们,还需要更多的霍顿。而在需要的时候,我们同志群体有没有无名镇那样的凝聚力,能不能团结起来,为争取我们的权利?这值得我们思考。最后以霍顿的在**中的名言结束,“a person is a person,no matter how small”,这也是对佛教的众生平等的思想的表达。


转的: 大象horton眼里的天堂


这次是《Horton Hears a Who》(荷顿奇遇记)。故事讲述的是生活在丛林里的大象荷顿,快乐,且缺心眼,是我们生活中典型的老实型好人。突然有一天,因为那对大大的象耳,他从眼前飞过的尘埃中听到了一声尖叫,发现了这颗尘埃上生活着的小小微观世界。他把这颗珍贵的尘埃放在一朵红色的花朵上面,为了完成他对尘埃王国的小人们的承诺,他躲避着丛林里老鹰猿猴们的围剿,最终把这个小世界放置在了丛林里最安全的地方--最高峰上宁静的小洞穴里。

**里大象荷顿的名言是:a person is a person, no matter how small it is。当老鹰恶作剧地把这朵珍贵的小花扔在了花海里的时候,荷顿眼里满是绝望。剩下的日子里,他在茫茫花海中一朵花一朵花地寻找,对着每一朵花询问:是你吗?




佛说,万物皆有佛性,不管是谁,道德高尚也好,恶贯满盈也好,心里都住着一尊佛。每个人的存在都是需要被肯定的,也有他自我实现的可能性。我们不能因为看不到他们,而忽略他们,也不能因为他们的出身与过去,而否定他们的未来。这是所谓的/droit de l'homme,包含宽容与尊重。在这个敏感时期,从一部**联想到这个词汇,的确五味杂陈。


Auguries of Innocence

By William Blake

天真的预示 (英)威廉 布莱克

To see a world in a grain of sand,

And a heen in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

And eternity in an hour.















反叛的鲁鲁修r2 经典不用说了,地球人都知道

超时空要塞F 经典的续作,华丽的战斗动听的音乐

吸血鬼与十字架 搞笑类后宫作品

绝对可怜 超能力萝莉少女的搞笑生活

魔剑美神 很好很强大

铁腕巴蒂 很久一起ova的重做

魔法目录 魔法与超能力结合的世界,很有意思

乃木坂春香的秘密 和泉此方相反的女主角

















The writer writing unfolds, first is entire French society's one typical window -----small city Varriale's political pattern. The aristocrat is born German Switzerland that mayor is restores the dynasty in here highest representative, the maintenance restoration political power, prevents the bourgeoisie free party member is in power in politics regards as the inherent responsibilities. Poor collection post manager Valno the promise originally is the petty bourgeois, as a result of hires oneself the church secret organization saint can oain the now the fat difference, thus oneself with restoration political power hitch in same place. Transcription hall Father Maslon is the spy which the church sends, all people's words and deeds all under his surveillance, the time which mutually supports in this king place and the sacrificial altar, is person which wields great power with great arrogance. These three people constitute " Three heads Politic ", reflected the restoration influence the aspect which you the city arrogated all powers to oneself in Varriale.But their opposite, is a large number, has the huge economic potentiality aggressive bourgeoisie free party member. Stendhal describes to the people guarantees king party member's be domineering and tyrannical, on the one hand again let the people draw such conclusion: Grasps has the economic potentiality the bourgeoisie, also will decide in politics is the final victor. 《 The Red and the Black 》 the book in circulation revolutionized in July, 1830 before, takes charge of soup reaches unexpectedly picture is understands clearly historical movement this one inevitably tends to.



